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Old 02-26-2008, 01:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: OBAMA -- What WILL HE DO AS PRESIDENT - Questions/Answers

Isn't it amazing how a specific question i.e. the subject above can be skidded away from and all other "stuff" offered begins to generate a life of it's own while the question is not addressed?

Almost politico like!

What would be nice is a comparison of what was done by past presidents VS their pre election rhetoric.

Too bad the need for partisanship always seems to generate more debate than the real needs of the country.

No matter who runs...what ever race or religion....not much is going to change in how our country is managed unless and until the silent majority rises up and MAKE demands UPON it's REPRESENTATIVES. Without a clamour from the masses the elected few will only continue to play their game as they see fit. If the silent majority needs a hint at it's potential just review what lobbyists are able to obtain for their constituency. Their numbers pale in comparison to the majority, yet they some how get what they want/need.

The silent majority (my favorite subject...can you tell?) gets what it deserves....not much!!!!