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Old 07-12-2015, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by joldnol View Post
some here with lame attempts at humor miss the gravity of the situation. If it had been 50k damage to your home and no one was talking I'm sure you'd have a different opinion. well this act of environmental terrorism was against ALL of us. Not a laughing manner even if in the grand scheme of things it's only a dollar or two for each of us.
Not sure if I "missed" the gravity of the situation, but as it pertains to me, I certainly deny it. You are probably right. I would be pretty annoyed if it were my view that was spoiled, but it wasn't. As for my feelings about having to pay my unfair share to atone for someone else's fiasco, they are miniscule compared to the way I feel every April 15th. I allocate a couple of hundred a month to my "getting screwed fund". Cheaper than therapy and healthier than booze.