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Old 07-26-2015, 11:19 AM
tuccillo tuccillo is offline
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You speak of climate change and global warming as if they are two separate ideas. They are the same thing. Once the term "global warnimg" became unacceptable the new term became "climate change". The climate has always changed. Nobody debates that. The issue is how much of it is anthropogenic and how much is the normal climatic cycle.

Originally Posted by Cedwards38 View Post
Nearly every scientist in the world attests to the fact that climate change and global warming are real. As reported in today's Daily Sun, 2015 is on track to be the warmest on record. The dangers of climate change and global warming, both now and in the future, are pretty well documented.

It reminds me of the debates in earlier decades about the health risks of smoking cigarettes. Is there anyone left in the world who doesn't recognize that smoking cigarettes are bad for your health? But it took decades to reach that point because it was inconvenient (read unprofitable) for a large sector of American business to admit that it was true and then do something about it. I remember reading smoking justifications that stated "here is a person who is 90 years old and has smoked cigarettes all their life, therefore cigarettes must not be bad for your health." Research is about provable trends, not individual examples.

Last edited by tuccillo; 07-26-2015 at 02:25 PM.