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Old 09-27-2015, 07:23 AM
outlaw outlaw is offline
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Default Thin skinned TVers

Seems like there are a lot of touchy, thin skinned, people in TV based on a lot of posters comments. People always attacking someone for just stating their opinion on something. People reading a word or phrase as an insult to someone or something. It seems the PC epidemic has come to TV. It's like people are waiting to pounce on the next PC indiscretion. I thought oldsters were pretty much immune to words ruining their day considering that we have lived through all the challenges and crises in life. What ever happened to "live and let live"? Why can't people disagree and still be friendly? When did forums change from being a place to hear different perspectives on subjects to a venue to reinforce a group think position? Have forums morphed into nothing more than a Facebook page where only like minded "friends" are allowed in?