Thread: Home Security
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Old 10-15-2015, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Cedwards38 View Post
I was just reading Chellybean's post on a front door lock system and thought I'd enter the discussion but with a different topic.

Good locks and fortified door frames are a great idea, but I'm a big advocate of a home security system. If a burglar wants to break into your home, he/she will find a way, regardless of lock, door frame, or well placed firearm. They are going to do it when you are not there, and they are going to do it using the simplest, most quiet, and easiest way. But if they see you have a security system in place, their thinking is "why take the chance of drawing attention to my break in when I can just go somewhere else." If we all had them, the burglars would all go to some other community.

New technologies in the systems make them smarter, wireless, and easy to use, and they offer much more than just burglar protection. You can control lights, appliances, and door locks with wireless systems including cameras for a reasonable price, most from an app on your smartphone or with a separate controller.

Wouldn't it be nice if the VCCD's could negotiate a bulk deal and get us all a group purchasing price? At roughly 55,000 homes, if half, or even a quarter took advantage of a deal we could get an amazing price! What company wouldn't want to get 13,750 new customers in one contract?
Did you look at the various wireless systems? Do you have an opinion on livewatch vs simplisafe vs the centurylink and brighthouse products?