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Old 10-17-2015, 12:31 PM
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golfing eagles golfing eagles is offline
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If these coyotes or "coy-wolves" are so intelligent, maybe we could domesticate and train them. Plenty of uses I can think of----

Patrol the squares and keep line dancers and seat savers under control
Fetch 8 inch garden gnomes and bring them to deed compliance
"Correct" those that leave dog poop where it doesn't belong
Sniff out inebriated or drug impaired cart drivers
Watch for burglars
Guard kitty from bobcats
Fetch wayward golf balls--would speed up play--they could also drag very slow golfers to the next tee by the seat of their pants
GG could train them to hunt posters negative about TV, Tal could send them after anyone critical of his law project, Tom could have them find those lacking humor, and I could send them to eat those critical of the medical profession