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Old 11-04-2015, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
All of you keep telling me, what I don't know. The Heritage Foundation disowns its baby | MSNBC

Gov. Dukakis of Mass. never issued any new taxes, or increased taxes. According to him, he only enhanced the ones that were already there. If you want to play with the English language, go right ahead. If you didn't have health insurance in Mass, you got fined. Money came out of your pocket. Do you think people care, if it was called a tax or a fine?

What actual programs makes up the 500 billion in Medicare cuts?

The 500 billion in tax increases sounds like a made up number, or again are we playing with numbers? Is this an increase over a ten year period?

What I do know, is Republicans have no idea how to deal with the number of uninsured people in the US, nor do they care about these people, most of which live in states that they control.
The medicare cuts and the tax increases are equally verbal BS from Obama to sell his program. There never was and never in any follow up to what he states. Then when down the road someone want to know what happened to this or that it is evident long forgotten by most.

What we do know is the NOBODY has any idea how to deal with the unisured people in the USA......forget the throw away snide remarks about not caring and subsequent BS.

First to be identified would be, are you ready for this, those who do not want insurance. There are very many people who would rather roll the dice on health care and keep the money for other wants.

Maybe next would be the homeless. How would they be identified? How would they pay? When they do not have a card board box to sleep in does anybody think they are worried about health care?

If there is any hope of even coming close to solving these two there are a few more to address.

Don't hold your breathe. The government cannot find it's own a$$ with a map and some would expect them to implement any part of this program.

Just another legacy joke. If they didn't read it to pass it, who is going to read it to see what the hell should be happening?
