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Old 11-19-2015, 10:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I have seen some of the postings on Topix and they are disgusting. No way I am going to visit that hate on a regular basis.

It would be wonderful to be able to discuss issues on this forum - either side - without being belittled. Some of you conservatives claim to be wanting such an exchange of ideas. Let's try it. It just might work.
I have no problem with discussing differing views, but if you come on here and start with your derisive terms then of course you should expect to receive it back. What do you expect, a no fire zone? A gun free zone? Instead of crying and whining about being belittled, think about how you address an issue. You can have an opposite view with or without harsh language. But, don't be so sensitive to harsh responses. It's all in the atmosphere of debate. No one is going to take this personal outside of this forum.

Remember, you are among a majority of conservatives. The belittling is in regards to a politician or political party, not a personal attack. We do however, strike back in defense when personally attacked on here. SO, if you wish to defend Obama or Hilary, try using some factual basis, instead of taking it personal and attacking the poster. Or not. It's up to you. I hate to see anyone get chased off of here because of their ideology. But, you can't be a wimp, or sensitive. I can't speak for others, but I welcome your view. Even if I find it to be unfounded, ignorant and ridiculous....