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Old 01-01-2016, 11:47 AM
Posts: n/a

Rubio is deemed the most viable candidate to win against Hillary, so the liberal media is attacking him fiercely. Not that he can't handle it, but it shows the desperation on the left. I think they are discounting Trump and Cruz as self destructive and a non-threat. I believe that once the heavy rhetoric settles down and the dust and smoke clears, many conservative voters will feel the same way. Rubio will bring in the Independent vote because they are mostly moderates. He will also appeal to many women, especially the ones that can't stand Hillary. He will definitely draw the Latino vote.

The issue with his voting record was brought up by a drowning Bush in desperation. Bush wants the Florida vote in the primary.

The voting record was brought up on Obama when he was campaigning for president and became a non-issue real fast. This issue is normal for a senator or governor when they are campaigning for office.