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Old 01-08-2016, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm sure that it won't really be a problem, unless the hypocrite liberals want to make it so. After all, Obama was elected and the only person that brought it up about him being Kenyan in the beginning was Hillary. But, the Republicans do need to thin the herd.

By the way, Trump didn't bring the issue up. It was the liberal media that made an issue of it and asked Trump what he thought about it.
They asked McCain about it too, and he merely said "it's worth looking into."

The media brings something up, by asking leading questions and then they try to make it look like an attack from the interviewee. I am sure that now that THEY have made an issue of it, it will become a big issue.
This is priceless....Its the liberals and the liberal media. LOL!!!!

Here is Ted Cruz's father saying that Obama should be sent back to Kenya

Now a poll that says only 29% of Republicans think Obama was born in the USA and yet 40% believe Ted Cruz was.

Shock Poll: Only 29% Of Republicans Said Obama Was Born In USA; 40% Said Cruz Born In USA - Birther Report

The liberals are NOT doing this its Trump just doing his thing.

BTW there are reports that Cruz's mother had become a Canadian citizen before Ted's birth if that is true.....Game Over!!!

Ted Cruz Should Prove His Mother Was A U.S. Citizen When He Was Born | If You Only News

Blame it on the liberals........