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Old 01-21-2016, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Apparently, you know little about Obamacare and/or health insurance. I suppose you only listen to what your party tells you and have closed your mind to any other sources of information. I let no politician tell me what they claim is fact. I research it myself. I don't trust any politician. That's why I think you are terribly naive.

Obamacare has nothing or little to do with party ego. It's cr@p and that is fact. You talk about adding insurance to more people. Big deal, you cost us trillions more on our deficit to add a few more to medicaid. None the lies panned out to help us, other than the supposed "per-existing" thing. We certainly paid a lot for that. My co-pays went up 50% for hospital treatment. Premiums went way up. Out of pocket went up over 36%. Mine went from $5000 a year to $11,000 a year. They also cover less procedures. But, you can calibrate a few more on Medicaid. Now, people that do not need insurance MUST have it or pay a fine. That is part of your few that now have insurance. Now, you have adults 26 years old that are under their parents policy, hardly a big deal. If they are working, then they don't need that supposed benefit. Obamacare did nothing to lessen the cost of Malpractice Insurance. It did NOT cover millions that still don't have insurance, as was advertised. It did NOT lower the cost of insurance, as advertised. But, it did steal almost a trillion bucks from Medicare to subsidize it. It also prevented many jobs from being created and some businesses to close because of the added burden on the business owner. So, when you brag about how great it is and how the Dems did it, remember that the Republicans warned you. It's pathetic how you can't admit the disaster that it is.
Your wish for gov run health care is ignorant. You obviously have never lived overseas so that you could witness socialized medicine first hand. I have and there is NOTHING there that I want for us. It really is as bad as your heard, and not as good as you want it to be.
What the hell are you talking about? Obamacare was a Heritage foundation Plan, and mimics the Mass. plan. I am from Mass and over 97% of the people there have health insurance. It is amazing what happens, when people work together to make something work.

Every year for 25 years, I dealt with health insurance companies. Every year the premiums went up more than the rate of inflation. BCBS went up over 50% in a three year period. If you were a business and had more than 50 people in your plan, your rate was based on your employee's medical history for that year. If you had less than 50 employees, you got the community rate, and you really got screwed. Every three or four year, we had to change carriers. It took about five years for every employee to have either a HMO, or a PPO. The salary for the partners ranged from $300,000 to 1,000,000 a year. Being able to afford the same health insurance coverage they had 60s, 70s, and 80s wasn't the problem. Getting ripped off by the health insurance carriers was.

Why don't you check the number of businesses that don't provide health insurance for their employees, and will be required to do so? The number is real small. Losing many jobs is a statement not supported by facts. Saying that it will put companies out of business is nonsense. If they can't provide health insurance for their employees, they shouldn't be in business in the first place.

Why would anyone listen to the Republicans when they did everything possible to make sure it would fail, because of the person that put it forward? What will be your song, when ACA works in states that took the Medicaid expansion portion of the law, and not in the states that didn't?

You seem not to place any responsibility for the current state of our health insurance problem on the backs of the insurance carriers. You want to talk about naïve start there. When your primary care physician is the emergency room, you have a real problem.