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Old 01-22-2016, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If the Republicans stopped participating in government , that would be a blessing. Republicans stopped government. They opposed everything Obama put forward even though they supported what was put forward in the past.
you seem to have forgotten error of convenience no doubt.

That Obama had a full democratic congress his first two years....remind me of the landslide of programs Obama was able to get approved.

Then there were two more years where Harry Reid and his band of outlaws contrilled the senate....setting a worlds record for not letting anything through he did not think Obama would like , hence nothing got through.

So cut the BS about who is holding up what and suporting what ever or not.
Congress no matter the flavor is useless. Congress, no matter what flavor, with a useless POTUS is hopeless.......which has been the past 7 + years!!!