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Old 01-29-2016, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Yes, the government IS funding abortions. If they are funding PP, then they are funding abortions. There is no way to prove that the money that the gov pays PP is used for anything without including abortion. Are the doctors that are performing abortions getting paid through a separate fund? The nurses?

Since you are so stuck on using rape and incest victims as an example of how important it is to fund PP, then you should also understand that those account for about 1% of the total abortions performed.

I wonder what you have against babies that are produced through no fault of their own. Do you feel that babies due to rape or incest are inferior to other babies produced? Do you feel the same way about BLACK babies? Because, as you know there were more black babies aborted last year than were born. And you know the reason that the founder of PP had when PP was originated? It was genocide of blacks. SO, you are backing a very radical organization, similar to the KKK.

So, when you ask us if we believe that rape victims and incest related pregnancies should be brought full term, I answer with "who are you to make that decision for a new life?" That baby could be adopted if not wanted by the mother.

Since Obama's mother was not legally married to his father (Sr was still married in Africa) then Barrack is considered a b@stard child. What if his mother had decided to go the easy way and had aborted him? Personally, I can see the positive of that idea, but that is my personal opinion.
I have answered more than enough questions about my position on this issue. Now you all are just being silly....

There are 1.2 million abortion performed each year which means that 12,000 women would have to bring the child of a rapist to term...if even one woman has to do this it is to much.....