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Old 01-29-2016, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Are you that stupid to think that government funds given to PP are not used for abortions? Really??? How ignorant.

And when you say forcing, what do you mean? Did I get that woman pregnant? Do you hate children that much that you would hold how it was conceived against it? That's pretty mean, isn't it? If someone doesn't like you, does that mean that they have the right to murder you?

Yes, abortion in the U.S. is legal....right now. But, please feel free to attempt to justify it to yourself by saying it is legal. It was once legal to whip a slave, rage them if you own them, etc. But, at least that slave was still alive. You want to deny a child's right to even live. That is pretty callous, and definitely not Christian. Although, liberals aren't Christians anyway, so I shouldn't eve bring that up.

But, do you liberals insist on diverting every post on here, in every thread? The post subject was regarding the selling of body parts. Selling body parts are illegal. Do you want to argue that fact, or are you going to say that even though it is illegal, it's the right thing to do. I want to see you pair that up with your stance on abortion. Abortion is legal, selling body parts is not. Abortion is immoral, and selling body parts is not only immoral but illegal.

Anyway, have a great day/evening/night. Hope your conscience will allow you to sleep. If you do believe in God, I wonder how you will explain your stance to HIM. Not that it is any of my business, but it is an interesting image.
I have nothing to explain....this conversation is now beneath in level of intelligence!