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Old 02-07-2016, 05:19 AM
Posts: n/a

Under Obama we have moved from 6th to 11th place on the Index of Economic Freedoms. Our foreign policy is lead from behind and indeed far behind we have become. The FED is still feeding the market to keep the economy afloat. People either do not have a job or are working for pennies. college students refuse to pay their loans( trillion dollars) because they didn't get the job they wanted. Race relations are as bad now as they were in the 1960's Obama's Administration continue with scandal after scandal, scandals that by the way not only reach deep into government but have compromised the security of our nation. Obamacare has been a failure and a lie etc etc etc The lack of trust and confidence in government is at an all time low

And voters believe the same people who work along side Obama (Biden Clinton) and have ownership in this Administration's failures are actually being touted as our savior in chiefs.

Let me offer progressives this one thought: Disagreement is not disloyalty. so its OK to disagree with what your party has become. Let them know you are disappointed and that unless they begin a redirection you will leave.

I was once a Democrat but in the 1960's the Democratic Party left me and so I re-registered Republican

Personal Best Regards: