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Old 02-08-2016, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Hal :-) View Post
Another 60 Minutes piece - 60 Minutes Confirms Drug Companies are Bankrupting Americans - The People's Pharmacy

Sadly, this discussion should not have to occur. It's simply a failure of the system(s), both Capitalism (greed) and Political (politicians bought and paid for).

Remember in November.
This is what we get when the special interest groups, pharmaceutical industialsists in this case, can donate to a party or congressmen or both and get special treatment.

Good for the pharmaceuticals, good for the politicians and we the people get the shaft.
Remind me who it is these clowns in Washington represent? And who is it that continues to be stupid enough to continue re-electing these clowns.

They do it because we the people either allow it or just as usual do nothing about it but complain.

This is where a little of the Trump attitude might send the politicians and the special interest groups packing. We should at a minimum be letting them know we know what they are doing.

However they have become insensitive to our needs and accustomed to the facts that nobody will interfere.

We are getting what we deserve.