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Old 02-18-2016, 02:58 PM
Posts: n/a

What can you say about him that hasn't already been said? Suffice it to say, that Carter is celebrating the fact that Obama has passed him to first place as the worst president in history. He is also the laziest president in history. But, enough of the positive remarks. Let's see if America can survive 11 more months of him. Think of how great we will be once again, when we get a Republican back in the White House, when the military can once again be proud and the police can go back to doing their jobs without worrying that the president of the whole United States is going to Monday morning quarterback their efforts and condemn them without a trial. Let's look forward to an America that can go back to being non-racist, once he is gone. Let's look forward to the next generation being able to find jobs because there will be many more created, once this cretin in the White House is gone. Maybe then the grass will be able to replenish itself on the golf course that he has worn out. Who cares if the Obama's steal half the White House property like the Clintons did when they were evicted. Let them have it all, just to hurry them out.

Just my four cents. If you don't like it, call someone that cares....and I doubt it will be clergy, because they most likely will back my opinion. Liberals are not likely to know any clergy anyway.