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Old 03-09-2016, 06:44 PM
Polar Bear Polar Bear is offline
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Default Bored? Can't move very well, don't get out much? Stare at your computer for h...

Take the OP at his word. I've played ESO, and many other MMORPG's (I'll let you look it up...heheh.)

They may not be your cup of tea, but they can be very fun, engrossing, and yes...even social. And to call them simply "war games" is a massive understatement. They include combat of course. But you can spend the vast majority of your time in totally peaceful endeavors if you wish...crafting goods for other players for example. If you've never tried a top tier MMORPG, you'd be amazed at how you can spend your time...and a lot of it if you wish.

(And if it happens to be up your alley, you can even play ESO on your XBox One, sitting comfortably back in your recliner with only a game controller in hand...heheh!)

Last edited by Polar Bear; 03-09-2016 at 07:45 PM.