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Old 03-11-2016, 02:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Oh dear, the RNC is going to be devestated to hear that you are not going to vote!

If you wrote them on an email, it will just be one more piece of spam they delete. If you wrote a snail mail to them, your letter will just add to the carbon pollution as it gets burned.

You are stuck in the 1950's un-homogenized America where the white always rose to the top. This is 2016 and whether you like it or not, America is a blend where diversity between cultures and lifestyles all meet.

You have the choice to evolve with the times or move to your own cabin in the middle of a piece of land and spend your last days sitting on the porch with your shotgun.
Dear Guest: You can bet if I feel this way there are a lot more like me writing GOP. I do agree they will ignore my e-mail but then ignoring their GOP members is what got leading the pack.

Am I stuck in the 1950's? If so leave me there with people who were more ethical, civil, fair. You see it is apparent from your response that you fall into that trap that dividers have created to keep controversy going forward because it greases their wheels (palms). White privilege and heterosexual privilege were invented to keep wars going between the masses. Its how powerful people stay powerful. Just ask Al Sharpton .

I have always adapted to the times but I have not given way to my principles, moral character and beliefs .

Personal Best Regards: