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Old 04-08-2016, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
She seems to have some of the best qualifications with her extensive experience with the Washington DC establishment. She does fight for the rights of little people though even if she gets very rich while doing so. She is a very clever woman.

Have no idea what kind of President she will make though.
Best qualifications? Tax fraud? Lying to congress? Mishandling of classified information, which was a major part of her job? Lack of leadership when she left her folks in Benghazi out to dry without backup and didn't even attempt a rescue? Lie about it later, causing a person that made a video to be jailed? These are qualifications? I realize that I would never be able to get away with any of that, but does that make her a good candidate for the job? And you say she will fight for the rights of the little people? So will Lucifer if you sign over your soul to him. We don't need the spawn of Satan to lead our great country. She is an evil b**ch and should be in jail with all the other criminals. Why would any sane person wish to promote or endorse such a corrupt and evil scumbag like her? Are you insane?