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Old 04-11-2016, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I know hw was responding to a question but why the emphasis on "guarantee" that they will not protect her?

I would have expected him to say something more lawyerly like he would support what ever the findings of the FBI and the justice system dictate.

And in the lawyerly terminology if someone else in his administration does in fact protect her somehow......he has deniability.

I have no confidence and do not trust anything from him or his administration. They all earned that!!!

Obama: I 'guarantee' Justice Dept. won’t protect Hillary - POLITICO
Obama also said that Clinton's personal email use "has not jeopardized America’s national security," even though they contained classified information. "Now, what I’ve also said is that — and she has acknowledged — that there’s a carelessness, in terms of managing e-mails, that she has owned, and she recognizes," Obama said.

The president also noted that not all "classified" material is created equal.

"There’s classified, and then there’s classified," Obama said. "There’s stuff that is really top-secret, top-secret, and there’s stuff that is being presented to the president or the secretary of state, that you might not want on the transom, or going out over the wire, but is basically stuff that you could get in open-source."

That is an admission of guilt and punishable as a criminal violation of federal law. It does not matter if she claims carelessness, that's not a valid excuse or defense.

Is Obama really that stupid or does he think that Americans are stupid? Open source information is NOT classified. Classified information is based on source or timeliness of intelligence information. You may get the same information as classified from an open source, but that does not make that information classified. AND he should know that. Otherwise, he should not be in that position. We already know he is a liar, but he really shouldn't reinforce that finding, by further lies.

He says that there was no violation of national security when he knows that there was a hacker that had the information related to Ambassador's travel itinerary. Classified information. If that is how the terrorists knew where and when he was going to be, and they were able to assault and kill him, then I would consider that a violation.

Talk about a corrupt administration. They make Nixon look like a boy scout.