Thread: Baby Buffalo
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Old 05-02-2008, 05:13 AM
jerseygirl008 jerseygirl008 is offline
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Default Re: Baby Buffalo

When I was down there a few weeks ago, my friend and I had the great honor of being able to see a baby buffalo, probably only 4 hrs. old. So cute. It wouldn't stand and the mother (I think, yes I know - I remember seeing evidence of the birth) kept nudging it to try to get it up. She'd walk away, look back, then eventually mozey on back to the baby and do the same thing all over again. Also, while I was there, got to see two sand cranes with 2 sand crane "chicks"??? That, I was told, was a rare occurrence - many residents don't get to see them up front and personal like that. I feel lucky, oh so lucky. Didn't see an alligator up close and personal but that was okay with me.
Christine ~ Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much