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Old 04-19-2016, 10:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
No, a "troll" is one that baits without a substantive argument or view.

On the other hand, it appears that you do not agree with anyone on here, but yourself. And that is OK, IF you have a substantive comment to back up your view. It appears that you blame the government (OK) the political system (valid) the military (not so much) the banks and the corporations for just about all your problems. You almost sound paranoid. And I don't mean this as a slur or to disparage you. Just making an observation and reply to your comment. You will notice that I have never called you a bigot or racist or even a sexist, even though you have used a lot of inflammatory verbiage. You have your opinion and much of what you say, I consider a valid view point. You claim you are outspoken and truthful. That may well be, but harsh language toward those that you wish to have a conversation with, is not working very well, is it? Calling someone a name that doesn't agree with you, might satisfy your frustration, but just closes the conversation as far as anyone wishing to converse with you. But, that is your choice and we do have free speech for a while yet. Some forums eject those that attack others and will not allow them to participate in discussion.

So, disregard this reply if you wish. I mean it when I say that I hope you have a good day. You do sound like you could use a decent day or two.
Who am I? Am I the one you replied to? Or am I someone else feeling the need for a reply to your post? You may have me confused with a lot of different people.

Looking at what you wrote as a reply to me, you attribute things to me I never said. You attribute posts from others as mine.

There's more than just me with these views. They hide in the sidelines because they don't want to be labeled. They know their views aren't "politically correct" and they're "hurtful", so they don't say anything. There are still more "conservatives" then "liberals" at least here in the villages. Without a name, you don't know who is talking.

Just saying...

I reply to the post, not who I think the poster is. I could care less who said it, I care what is said. When necessary, to me, I reply.