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Old 05-02-2016, 09:36 AM
Posts: n/a

I've been saying it...the proof is, there are more "minorities" signing up for school than white kids. There's upwards of 50 million. The whole west, past TX is just full of them. Even the east coast is filling up with them. We're done. We WILL become 3rd world as the white population declines. That's what they are, 3rd world, that's what they came from and will create here. They don't know HOW to build things, invent things, engineer the environment. They don't develop technology. The long slow spiral into oblivion began in the 60s when quotas and affirmative action became more important than quality. When women began to pass off their children's formative years, their raising, to Lawanda and Rositita, both "3rd world". We let this happen. You really should have listened to those who tried to warm you, who tried to stop this insidious destruction of our society.