Thread: Raise the fence
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Old 05-18-2016, 04:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
He just stated in his speech at Rutgers graduation this weekend that walls don`t work and that we needed to be taking down walls .
There was a time when the lower area of the White House was open to the general public . People who wanted something from the Gvt. hung out in the lobby and tried to " button-hole " the president when he came down the stairs from his living quarters to " lobby " him for their cause .
I think it would be a real shoe of solidarity with her people if Hillary were to go back to that practice and also " tear down the wall " .
Dear Guest: There was a time not long ago when most people were civil and generally genteel. I doubt its a safe practice any longer. I believe it is more so with Obama and any president that will follow him. I'm genuinely relieved but somewhat surprised that a serious attempt has not been made to Obama,Clinton or Trump because whether such an attempt were successful or not all it would do is raise their value and in my political view none of the aforementioned have value. Better to defeat them with a lack of votes or support

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