Thread: Raise the fence
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Old 05-18-2016, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Dear Guest:

I understand the need to be accurate and accountable when making a declaration. However another way of looking at it all is that a voter would expect his/her political leaders would act with the highest of competency, sound judgment ,integrity and moral dealing . Can one be only be slight a crook? its like being slightly pregnant. The Clintons have had bad dealing as far back as their Arkansas days. Its sad to see that America voters don't seem to mind and keep voting them back. Perhaps its because voters have seen so much of it its become normal. an abnormality that become normal...that's scary

Personal Best Regards:
You can't be a little pregnant you can be a little dishonest. "Let any one of you who is without ........

[this is the "too long" response probably not worth reading]

You can be a slight crook. Everything in life is not in black or white or can be compared to pregnancy. There are shades of grade.

Take lying. If someone lies just one time, does that tag them a liar for life? Is Cruz's career over?

Good luck finding an honorable person who makes no mistakes and never apologies because they are always honest.

"Cooper followed up asking Trump if "asking for forgiveness" is a central tenet in his faith life.
"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" asked Trump. "I work hard, I'm an honorable person.""

Read more at Trump: 'Why Do I Have to Repent or Ask for Forgiveness If I Am Not Making Mistakes?' (Video)
Read more at Trump: 'Why Do I Have to Repent or Ask for Forgiveness If I Am Not Making Mistakes?' (Video)

Bernie does seem like an honorable man to me. If he wasn't actively engaged in the Civil Rights movement as a young man his answer would be less credible.

"An American president has yet to muster up the courage to formally apologize for the 400 heinous years of rape, death and inhumanity that occurred during the enslavement of black people in this country that still impacts million of slave descendants," an audience member told Sanders before asking whether he'd apologize for it.
"Want the short answer?" Sanders asked in response. "Yes.
Sanders: I would apologize for slavery as president | TheHill