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Old 05-22-2016, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I see you didn't respond to the Bush/Cheney lie! We are all still paying for that whooper.
That's because it wasn't a lie. Sometimes, when you are in on the classified data collected, some libtard's ignorant statement about something they know nothing about, is just not worth arguing. It's a moot point now. I saw the intelligence collected regarding Saddam's WMDs and I was in Iraq when they uncovered those mass graves. Of course, liberals assure us that the Twin Towers were all a Bush conspiracy too. Liberals are easily directed in a certain direction and told to run with it. Liberals feel all warm and fuzzy being able to distance themselves from the war in Iraq, taking no responsibility for it. Making excuses for their support, etc. Personally, I would rather fight my wars overseas instead of here. But, that's just me, I guess.

Go ahead liberals, invite some more refugees over. Then, blame the Republicans for allowing it to happen and not stopping it when they turn out to be terrorists. It won't bother me, because I have plenty of ammo and my CCW paperwork up to date. And I live in the Villages bubble...