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Old 05-26-2016, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I agree, blame the parents. Half of the parents are conservative, is that true? Most teachers are liberal minded. Being open minded, looking out for others and a willingness to serve the community is part of their makeup. Lowering the bar makes teaching easier with far less interference from parents or administrators but it's not right or healthy for students over the long run.
Kind of difficult to blame conservatives on a bad education. You liberals like to equate a "free mind" to being open minded and the ability to see the "big picture." Conservatives know that a so-called "free mind" for children is the same as being simple minded. Teachers are not allowed to discipline or maintain order in the classroom because of the liberal mentality, not because of anything that conservatives have done. Parents allow the teachers to make their choices for them, but in many cases have no say in how their kids are taught. Liberals are getting their way and when they fail, they blame it on conservatives. Just like the Obamacare failure. They blame it on conservatives for not supporting them, not sharing the responsibility for the health care disaster.