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Old 05-26-2016, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Normally a person is picked for VP because they give the nominee an advantage they are lacking, either skills or geographical locations. Obama picked Biden for his foreign policy experience.

It seems that Trump already has the overweight old white men thrice-married vote sewed up. Gingrich would be the second oldest VP in history.

Hopefully, Lorne Michaels has no plans to retire.
Guess it won't matter much. The only way Hillary can get elected is if she takes Bernie as her VP, because she won't have half the votes Trump will garner. Bernie's children will not vote for Hillary, but they will vote for the price of Bernie's promised freebies. Remember all those folks that were standing in line for Obama's promised freebies? Yep, they are still standing in line. Bunch of dummies.