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Old 06-01-2016, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by alwann View Post
As far as the executive courses go, you get what you pay for, and most pay little or nothing.

The executive courses will always suffer because they get too much play. Even now, in the so-called low season, they are still crowded. "Free golf for life" was a good sales strategy 20 years ago. Now, with 80,000-plus owners and more on the way, I'm not so sure that strategy makes sense with respect to the health and maintenance of the executive courses.

We should expect the norm to be "in poor condition" and live with it, unless the number of rounds played is reduced or more executive courses are built to handle the increasing number of golfers (many of them beginners) moving here.
I totally agree on your statement "you get what you pay for". I really wish that "free executive golf" would be done away with; start charging greens fees for the execs - that would probably stop enough play to where the execs could be closed on a weekly rotating basis to get them back in shape and keep them in shape. Do I care that charging executive green fees would stop people from playing golf? Nope. It would stop a lot of the unfilled divots, unrepaired ball marks and unraked traps.
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