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Old 06-02-2016, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You can watch the speech you are referencing on You Tube .
Something interesting about Eisenhower ---- he held a press conference every single Tuesday Morning . He did not use any notes he made himself fully available to the press and took questions from anyone . Very few were televised by the then 3 networks .
To date no president has held as many such conferences as Eisenhower .
Just my opinion, but I think that we see way too much of this president on TV, whether talk programs or comedy, and even reality TV. This one believes he is the soul/center of entertainment every time he speaks in front of a group. Sarcastic, condescending, glib and slapstick every time a camera is on him. He was a big mistake that I fully blame on the liberals, free loaders of this country.

But, all that aside I would rather that the president is seen less in the media and present an image of being party-less when he does speak. Since he is elected as leader of ALL the people, not just the Democrats or the radical left. This one would have been accepted better if he was not so divisive.