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Old 06-02-2016, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It wasn't and actual quote but rather an illustration of the sorry state of journalism in general and Dan Rather in particular.

There was a time when journalists took pride in their work, would investigate a story and tell the truth because their word was their bond.
Not so much anymore. These days, as Prof. Glen Reynolds likes to say, "Journalists are Democratic operatives with by lines.

Dan Rather put forward a story he knew to be false in order to advance a political agenda. He is a dishonorable man and has no standing criticizing Donald Trump.
It wasn't an actual quote. You made something up.

And Rather is accused of not investigating his resources about Bush taking liberties with his company commander. This means Rather's entire lifelong work is just white trash.

And that's fair.

It would be an easier pill to swallow if all conservatives were atheists.