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Old 06-12-2016, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I truly wonder if the person with his bigoted views on the Political Forum is pullling our joint legs OR if he actally is such a throwback to Jim Crow days?

From what I have seen in the several years I have in The Villages, everyone gets along good in social or sport events. The clubs have different races attending, social groups are of different races, BUT there is ONE person who posts bigoted comments whenever possible.

What do the rest of you Political posters think of this? Do you feel there is the genuine hatred of this person as an underlying aspect of The Villages?
You know...every society throughout history has had the same opinion of them, has treated them the same as we did, up until mechanization made them obsolete in the 1800s.

They never did prosper, still don't, no matter where in the world.

It's them...not us.

Forced equality is a fools errand. It will lead to our downfall.

When there's good reason, it's not bigotry. You hate murderers, you're not a bigot. You hate pedophiles, you're not a bigot. You hate the way America is becoming 3rd world, you're not a bigot. You hate that the educational system is failing, we're #17 now, you're not a bigot. You hate that half the population is on welfare, you're not a bigot. You have reason to hate what the people who are destroying America are doing.

We hate what they do, not "who they are". If black people lived like us, spoke like us, acted like us, we'd accept them. We've accepted other races, Asians are accepted, Indians, even blacks and Hispanics who "fit in" are accepted. It's when EVERYTHING about you is different, that's when you're not accepted. Most blacks don't "fit in", they're "different", that's why they're not accepted. NO other reason.

You don't hang out with EVERYONE. You pick your friends through shared interests and ideologies. People who are too "different" aren't your friends. Same way with the races, if they're "too different" they don't get along. We're too different to get along. Lincoln said it too.

There are reasons a lot of us think what we do about the races. Stereotypes exist because they're generally true. How many "good" stereotypes are there about blacks? Good at athletics and music. Because that IS what they're good at. Like Asian kids ARE good a math.

The forced mixing isn't good for any of us.