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Old 06-14-2016, 05:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Sorry, but there isn't a law against being a bigot, YET. I realize that Obie's AG is attempting to convince him to write an E.O. that stipulates a law against "hate speech." But, that will be shot down by the Supreme Court, if it happens, even a liberal Supreme Court.

Being a bigot is legal as long as it does not interfere on how someone is treated in the work place.

Is being a bigot an evil thing? The Pope and other religious leaders are bigots because they HATE sin. Muslims are bigots because they hate gays and infidels. Obama is a bigot because he hates Republicans and white folks. But, are they really bigots? To be a bigot, one must be INTOLERANT. Putting Muslims aside, many folks are tolerant but do not condone. I love my gay relatives and friends but do NOT condone their gay practice. I tolerate them because of that brotherly love. But, for a libtard to insist that you either welcome and embrace their sin or you are a bigot, makes them WHAT? Gays want the church to endorse their behavior when it is against almost EVERY religion in the world. If you suggest that homosexuality is not normal, then you are immediately considered a bigot. That is the only defense of the gay community. They wish to be take seriously and then they make themselves appear ridiculous with their gay pride parades. What is the logic in that? If the left wishes to redefine the term "bigot" then that is their weak position and prerogative.

Bigots in The Villages? Sooo??? Still no law banning it. If you consider me a bigot, then don't associate with me, don't play golf with me, or pickleball with me, or bocciball with me. But, it is still a free country. And, accuse me of wearing a white sheet and hood to my face, be prepared to defend your position on the subject.....from the ground. Because I am not part of a radical group, such as the KKK, or the Wall St cretins, or Black lives matter, or even the Tea Party (which I agree with).
President Obama is not a bigot - by your definition, he is not intolerant of Republicans and white people. Get a grip.

Back to the original post, the bigot everyone is referring to is clearly looking for attention, so probably the best way to discourage him/her is to ignore and not engage with the drivel he/she spouts. As far as meeting people like that in The Villages, they are everywhere in our society. I have personally met at least 2 people like that in TV. They're nice enough when you start talking with them, but involve alcohol or some other trigger, they go off on the racist/bigot rants and you see what you're dealing with.