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Old 06-14-2016, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The issue is not the type of rifle, pistol or shotgun or knife or bomb.

It is the USA pemissiveness, don't hurt anybody's feelings lack of due enforcement.

And while it is convenient, the categorizing of weapons based on the most recent event is political media anti gunner BS.

Anyone with half a brain in positions of authority have by now enough information to profile and categorize the persons and the weapons. They have had the information for years. Yet what has been done to change the lack of enforcement?


We have become an anti enforcement, with a blind tolerance for the obvious violators.

And oh by the way....all the political and media and anti gunner BS has no effect on those intent on doing harm.

The other 99% of us who obey the rules and act responsibly DO NOT need any more laws than are on the books.

And the case study of all case studies that proves day after day that more gun rules do not fix anything. The csae study? Chicago, ILL....strictes gun controls in the country. Highest gun murder rate in the country.

So what is the point again?

The point that EVERYONE fails to see is that 90% of gun crimes are committed by minorities. Ban THEM from having weapons. The crime and death rate will drop by 90%. Why does nobody ever mention the REAL violence problem?