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Old 06-14-2016, 01:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Once again, the Regressive redirects to a "what if" situation.

What are you going to do? Build interrment camps for all Muslims - even American born Muslims?
Sounds like a libtard, acting like restricting a radical group is such a big deal. It has been done before. You want to ban a stupid gun that isn't even a military weapon. Just another of a multitude of guns that a RADICAL used to kill. So, if up to you, we would punish the gun instead of the killer, IF that was possible. You are so afraid of Muslims that you fear their anger if you say anything against them.

Libtards are so stupid that they think that by getting rid of one gun, it's going to stop the killing. They forget about bombs and they forget about Paris recently. You know, the place where they have strict gun control?

Try to get it through your heads, liberals. AR-15 is not a military weapon and it is NOT an assault weapon. The M-16 is the military assault weapon. The AR-15 just looks like one. It does not operate like one.

My son-in-law has a Glock 9mm semi-automatic pistol. He has a 30 round magazine. It is not an assault weapon, but it has the same ability as the AR-15 to kill 30 people before reloading. I have a S&W 9mm pistol with a 16 round magazine. Many shotguns are semi-automatic and they even sell some that look like military weapons. Are you going to ban all semi-automatic weapons? Does that mean that my six shot 357 magnum is ok? Because with speed loaders, I can reload faster than some folks with semi-automatic pistols.

Please, will one libtard speak up and explain exactly how far you will go to limit the 2nd Amendment. And by the way, technically by the 2nd Amend. we should be able to have any weapon that the military has. After all, it is there to protect us from an over reaching government.