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Old 06-17-2016, 08:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Glad your FATHER was a success. However, the future does not belong to his generation or your generation but to the current. Stop living in the past. Live in the present.

The past generation does not rule the electoral college.

Hillary wins! The USA wins!
Au contraire...old white men DO rule the electoral college. On the R side. The D side may have more women.

The EC vote is the ONLY vote that elects the president. Your vote and my vote, elects the elector. The elector is pledged but can vote any way they wish. If the R party really doesn't want Trump to win, he won't.

In 30 years you'll have YOUR electors as the electors are chosen by the party leaders usually as a reward for service. The electors are true party followers. Those who are already running government are the ones who choose the electors.

In 30 years the country will look like Mexico. Unless we actively work to stop it. Minorities are already the MAJORITY under 6 years old. You should be frightened that the country is becoming "Mexican".