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Old 06-17-2016, 05:32 PM
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Is Hillary Clinton running unopposed is the big headline in the latest news.

Donald Trump is not setting up any campaign organization. There are a total of about 30 people working on his campaign, with much infighting going on behind the scene.

Trump will not fundraise anywhere he cannot hold a rally.

Trump will not campaign in any 'blue' state.

Trump was supposed to call 24 donors, he called three. Obviously fundraising is not his favorite, and yet he doesn't want to spend his own money.

Paul Ryan announced today that GOP members should vote their conscience, and not feel bound to the presumptive nominee.

Trump is bankrupting the RNC by his lack of fund-raising. At this same time in 2012, Romney had raised 100 million dollars.

Trump will be unable to respond to Clinton's millions of dollars of negative ads, without some serious dollars.

The best bombshell of all, Trump mulls over the possibility of starting his own cable news network. Does this sound like a serious presidential candidate who won't campaign, do fund-raising, and is already looking for another career five months before the election.

The big question is will he take the senate with him?
Most likely he will. Democrats only need to pick up four seats if Clinton wins, five if she doesn't win. The house may stay republican, but Ryan could find himself with only a ten person margin.