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Old 06-18-2016, 03:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
OH NO not a gay lifestyle, ahh the horror. You really are a moron, "liberals are bigots and against decent people", seriously. By definition Liberals are open to all kinds of people.

Regarding Hillary, I would totally do her, you know she's an animal in bed.
Liberals are frauds. And they are cons. They have conned their own and they are so ignorant that they welcome it. Kind of like an abused woman that thinks she deserves to be treated like dirt. Liberals are so brainwashed they think they are being "open minded" when they are not. What is open minded and liberal about being Anti-Christian? What is open minded about abortion? What is open minded about restricting non-PC speech? What is open minded about discrimination-Taxing one group higher than another? Do I really need to go on? The fact is that conservatives, with their agenda of less regulation and less government footprint, are (dare I say it) more liberal than Democrats.

And regarding your last sentence, I figured you must be a gay woman if you would want to sleep with Hillary. I'm sure that she has only been with a man once and that was to conceive that ugly duckling for political purposes.