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Old 07-08-2016, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Your candidate has screwed small business (countless examples on internet)
It matters little that he shows bias against women, muslims, latinos, and really anyone that doesn't kiss his shoes.
Has proven as someone that answers to no one and would be a loose canon in world affairs.
And the possibility of his son as vp!
And your candidate has yet to disclose his tax return, what is he hiding!
Please tell me that it doesn't matter that he is a nut case, as long as he isn't a Democrat makes him ok in your book.

all of the above qualifies you for being ignorant. Wake up and smell the _hit.
Your candidate has screwed all regular citizens by escaping prosecution that the rest of us wouldn't.
It matters little that she supports an a President who supports Muslim ideology more than Amereican, and she (and Bill) have amassed personally many many millions from the Clinton Foundation Scheme.
Has proven that she lies to anyone including Congress when asked if she ever sent or received Classified information over her personal unsecured server. OK, she did not "intend to" but in some cases "you can't fix stupid"
And the possibility of disbarred adulterer Bill as First Lady!
Her boss has sealed his College Records and Hillary has not held a press conference in over 16 weeks, what are they hiding.
Please tell me that it doesn't matter that she is a liar, as long as she isn't a Republican makes her ok in your book.
all of the above qualifies you for being ignorant. Wake up and smell the _hit.[/QUOTE]
It seems either side can claim through many truths an untruths about the candidates, so each individual voting must make their own decision of who is the best or the best of the worst. For me in this case may the best MAN win.