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Old 07-12-2016, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I do not know how many posters there actually are participating concerning this thread. However 90% of the comments made spew emotional opinion only no facts no reasoning no logical conclusions . I agree that neither presidential nominee is qualified and that makes choice in the November election difficult.

Nonetheless and despite Comey's conclusion concerning Hillary Clinton's use of personal servers she is in violation of the federal statute Tile 18 Us code Section 1924. This statute writers knowing intent would be used to skirt responsibility does not require intent. essentially what Clinton did, especially a very experienced attorney with a long history in government violated the law and should have been brought up on charges.

Anyone not protesting this injustice is contributing to the continuation of corruption in our government. Because if the top cop will not do his job and the laws such as he aforementioned can be ignored than we are heading down the same road as communist China.

More important than this election is that fact that lawlessness and corruption prevail. It pains me to see how citizens simply ignore their God given rights and let their freedoms slip through their fingers
Where is the outrage? Where is the call for justice? Where is the call for rule of law?

Personal Best Regards
Comey did his job. Since his conclusion doesn't agree with the Republicans, he is corrupt, or incompetent. The FBI went over all the emails, but people that didn't know better than they do. Right!

Comey now will be reviewing Clinton's answer under oath to the House to see, if she lied under oath. Comey is going to conclude that she didn't. We will go through the same nonsense at another House meeting. When Hillary is elected president, impeachment proceedings will start right out of the gate. They got nowhere with Benghazi. So, this will be their line of attacks.

When are the Republicans going to do their jobs, and govern? The answer is never. Governing is hard. Bitching about everything is easy. I guess the Republicans have concluded that the way for us to stop the road Chinese communism is bring the government to a total stop. Therefore, the Democrats will not be able to kill them all as traitors, because you can't betray something that doesn't work.