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Old 07-14-2016, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Out of 17 GOP candidates, Trump won the nomination fair and square. You don't agree with him, so you are not going to vote. Sounds immature to me. Just take your ball and go home because you don't like the rules of the majority. Why don't you just register as an Independent? That way, you'll have an excuse for not supporting the Republican party. "Lock step" has nothing to do with support, but obviously loyalty is beyond your understanding. Remember, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about the outcome, so just sit back and keep quiet.
You are kidding right! Trump won fair and square. Trump won, because the field was to large. He acts like a child calling people names. He won by being all things to all people, and never supplying details to anything.

He won by splitting this country based upon race. I thought the Republican party wanted to reach out to minorities, and not blame them for all the evils in the world.

I don't need an excuse for not supporting Trump. Blind loyalty is just plain stupid. Take a good look at the number of devoted Republicans in high places that will not vote for Trump. I am in damn good company. Loyalty and lock step are two different things. That is nonsense. In voting for Trump, you are putting the blinders on. You are being loyal to a con man that changes on a whim.

If the Republican party is the party that wants to make sure that nothing gets done, and there is no reason to compromise on anything, Trump is your man.

Do you think for a second that the tactic of obstruction is the sole domain of the Republican party, you are living in a dream world.

I voted for Kasich in the primary. Kasich would work with the Democrats.

The one and only reason Trump has a chance to be president is his opponent, Hillary. The only reason she has a chance to win is her opponent, Trump. Kasich, Jeb Busch, Rubio, Kerry, and Biden would be walking away with this election.

I am not going to complain about the situation we got ourselves in, but "I told you so" will probably be used by the party that doesn't win the election.