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Old 07-19-2016, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The similar sayings she used have been around for over a hundred years. Anyone with Google can find these words that have been quoted over and over again in political speeches down to graduation speeches. It's hardly a big deal that even Michelle with a supposed big time ivy league diploma used someone else's words. At least Mrs. Trump did not say she is FINALLY proud to be an American. It appears she has been proud ever since she took the oath to become an American citizen. I have been to many of my relatives' and friends' swearing in as citizens and I know exactly how proud they really are. Unlike the Obamas, these folks do not take being an American for granted. Unlike the Obamas, these folks do not, did not use Affirmative Action to get where they are. Unlike Obama they didn't falsely say "work hard to achieve your dreams." Unlike Obama, they do not say everyone deserves an equal status regardless of ability and motivation.

Mrs.Trump is not going to get my vote. Mr. Trump will get my vote. We are lucky that he is bringing a classy, good looking wife back to the White House. It's been almost 8 years since we have had any class in the White House.
Class???? About as much class as Kim Kadashian. She married him for his money, just like she posed for nude photos. What a role model.