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Old 07-21-2016, 07:35 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
"Additionally, voter ID requirements generally apply to in-person voting, not to absentee ballots or mailed ballots."

So, just stay home and commit the "fraud". The sky is falling. Quote some figures on voter fraud or butt out. It must be in the billions.
It's the electronic voting machines, they can be programmed in advance to produce the "correct" winner. That's why nobody cares who votes, the votes don't matter. Remember: It's not who votes or how they vote that matter, it's WHO COUNTS the votes.

electronic voting and fraud - Google Search

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I realize it's a pipe dream and unconstitutional, but I would really like to see a study of let's say 200 voters, 4 from each state, that were permitted to vote without photo ID. Run DMV records, see if they have a valid driver's license. Run credit cards (or more likely EBT cards) and see if there were any alcohol or tobacco purchase. Check the video cameras from their local convenience stores looking for the same. Heck, it might be as easy as setting up a camera at the polling place to see how many arrived by driving their own car. Then, if they don't have a license at least they could be arrested for aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd degree
It's racist. At least that's what they'll say. Licenses are racist because they're too hard to get, they're too white.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We won in Texas and in Wisconsin. We are now targeting Florida to change their racist laws. BP
Go ahead, speed up the inevitable decline and collapse of this ONCE GREAT nation by encouraging the losers to determine the tempo. Have THEM begin making the decisions sooner rather than later. They can't run their OWN lives, and you want them having a say in how you run YOUR life? Unbelievable how stupid some people are. BET you are a woman. Only a woman could be PROUD to have such a harmful take on news like this.

Vote early and often to get "your way" by hook or by crook...the ends justifies the means?

You're so this all up to "help" the retarded be "equal".