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Old 07-21-2016, 07:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
We won in Texas and in Wisconsin. We are now targeting Florida to change their racist laws. BP
Congratulations!!!! You win the most idiotic post of this thread award!!!!!:e clipsee_gold_cup:

Take your "racist" BS and place it where the sun does not shine. When you apply for a driver's license, are you required to state if you are black, white, or green??? Have you seen a minority on line at the store buying beer denied the purchase because of race? Perhaps the next flying saucer can give you a ride back to planet Earth.
And that is not to mention the utter hypocrisy of your post. If the Republicans were loading the voting booths with Scandinavian and Scottish voters with no ID, would you feel the same way???? I doubt it.