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Old 07-26-2016, 04:01 PM
Posts: n/a

If you want to have an opinion on a politician, that is fine. If you want to know more about our WH occupants, let me suggest to you, that to evaluate some of these folks, see if you can get the hard to find information (truthful) about AA. AA in this case is Affirmative Action.
As a former college tenured Professor and Department Chairman, let me tell you two short stories about education.
1. AA brings in a new person, evaluated on the 'merits' and GIVES them a Diploma the day they enter. Done.
2. You want to see grade sheets? Any administrator at about any college can pull a grade sheet, either on paper or on a computer storage device in the Registrars office, and modify any set us grades. Typically they will be all B and B+ grades, a few A grades, all bogus, yes, False. Yep. So I suggest you stop trying to get his or her grades sheets. Might as well go to a tabloid paper for the results.