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Old 07-27-2016, 04:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Michelle IS a racist. She believes that blacks are inferior to whites. If she didn't, she would not see a difference in levels and there would be no discussion. She thinks they need help. Therefore, she feels they are less than whites. Just my opinion on how she speaks. I never thought less of a black until they insisted on reminding me that they were black.
EVERYONE with open eyes sees that blacks are inferior to EVERYONE.

Have your eyes been closed your entire life? When have blacks EVER been actually equal?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If you want to have an opinion on a politician, that is fine. If you want to know more about our WH occupants, let me suggest to you, that to evaluate some of these folks, see if you can get the hard to find information (truthful) about AA. AA in this case is Affirmative Action.
As a former college tenured Professor and Department Chairman, let me tell you two short stories about education.
1. AA brings in a new person, evaluated on the 'merits' and GIVES them a Diploma the day they enter. Done.
2. You want to see grade sheets? Any administrator at about any college can pull a grade sheet, either on paper or on a computer storage device in the Registrars office, and modify any set us grades. Typically they will be all B and B+ grades, a few A grades, all bogus, yes, False. Yep. So I suggest you stop trying to get his or her grades sheets. Might as well go to a tabloid paper for the results.
And these people go on to MORE affirmative action and quotas...there's 20% dead weight in this country...dead weight being dragged along...dragging us down.

And people wonder WHY is the US dropping in rankings?

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Then there are the American blacks. Actually another unfair label. There is a percentage of American blacks that do not believe in WORKING FOR WHAT YOU GET AND FOR WHAT YOU NEED. They are what I call the U O MEEEEESSSS-THE GIMMMMMEEEEEEESSS. Then there are people like Condi Rice, Herman Cain, Ben Carson all of whom started in poverty and grew up GREAT.

It is funny the only three blacks that you mentioned are Republicans. Martin Luther King would never cross your mind as a black that started in poverty, and grew up GREAT. Why isn't Colin Powell on your list as a black Republican out of poverty and grew up GREAT? Would it be that his GREATEST ended, when he endorsed Obama? No, that can't be case.
The majority feel they're "owed" because "we" enslaved them. They should be billing the blacks in AFRICA who sold them...literally...down the river.

Powell? A GREAT man? You mean a liar. He stood in front of the UN with all his pictures convincing us all to support the war over a LIE. So, he's either a liar or stupid...I'll go with BOTH. He's HARDLY great.