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Old 07-27-2016, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
America can not afford a corrupt, felonious criminal with no regard to country loyalty or fellow humans as president either, regardless of political party. Last night proves that a winning party is more important that the country's welfare and durability. It is way beyond belief that these political posers can garner that much support. Surely, having a female version of Charles Manson is NOT the best the left can come up with. It's bad enough that we have The Donald clowning away the election for the right, but to have a felon criminal representing the left is giving the world the impression that America as a model has been destroyed. We were weakened by the lack of morals of Bill Clinton, then the hateful racism of Obama, and now we have a felon/criminal with a record of failure, being considered because she is a female. I have to admit that even The Donald is still the preferred choice. What a sad and dark time in America. I wonder how much further America will go before we resort to the desperation of another Turkish like action. It now seems that the hubris and avarice of the left outnumber the morals and ethics of the right.

It is a sad day when the left has sunk so low that even Trump is my preferred choice. How much longer will we have to hold our noses when voting?
STOP being their sucker, their fool. There ARE more than 2 choices...ALL of them better than what you'll get with another D or R. Pick one and vote for them. If EVERYONE stopped being their lackey, we'd be MUCH better off! We'd get rid of the corruption.