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Old 07-27-2016, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Great, so you are one of those type of Vets, obviously suffering some sort of mental trauma. Understandable. And yes, I am qualified to speak that way to you. Two tours in Vietnam, a tour in Desert Storm and a civilian shot at daily in Iraqui Freedom in 2003. Not bragging, but circumventing your retort that I have no right to speak to you about it. So, your beef with Trump is fine, but don't try to compare his patriotism with Clinton's lies. He never claimed to be shot at in Bosnia. He supports our law enforcement when HELLary is against them. He is for our military and supporting them when HELLary wants to cut them. If you wish to vote for that criminal, you earned that right. Do I have to respect your decision, h3ll no!

Not traumatized at all. I'm not in love with Hillary although I am a democrat. She has faults no doubt, not a criminal though. What I don't understand is how anyone with an above average IQ could possibly not see Trump for what he is. Aside from the fact he's not at all qualified for the position of POTUS, his immature nonsensical approach to all things political can only appeal to the very lowest quantile of intelligence. He loves the under educated and simple folk because they are so easily manipulated, why do you allow him to manipulate you ? Please don't allow your hatred for Hillary cause you to regret forever your decision to vote for the most incapable and unqualified man to have ever been nominated to a major political party position. I'll pray you don't do that.