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Old 07-28-2016, 12:32 PM
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Default An Open Letter to Trump Supporters.

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I took your comment under advisement and concluded that you are very biased and lacking in balanced facts. You find deficiencies in Trump that seem trivial to Hillary's long term negative traits. You have not convinced me of a fair evaluation.

I have compared Trump's successes, minus his verbiage and concluded that he is gaming or playing the media. From all appearances, he is a total opposite of what people that know him say he is. Obviously he is successful. He is more old style Democrat than Republican.

On the other hand, I have examined Hillary's past statements compared to her present statements, and she seems to have made an amazing life change, or NOT. Her career record shows little if any success and more than resembles abject failure.

My children are Republicans and the rest of my family are Democrats, or were. I do not know of one family member that plans to vote for Hillary. Not one of them respects her. But we are mostly a loyal, patriotic military loyal family, that have been discouraged by her lack of support for law enforcement, wanting to cut the military, and she supports planned parenthood. Even though Democrats, we are ALL pro-life. We also want/need a balanced budget. That part is probably impossible today, but still on the wish list.

The balance of the Supreme Court is the most important issue of this election. Because of this, regardless of what we think of Donald, we have all decided to vote a straight Republican ticket this time around. The future is more important than rhetoric. The supreme court MUST stay balanced in my opinion in order to remain Constitutional.

We are disappointed in the Democratic party for moving to the left and embracing a socialist. Socialism has always been the enemy of our Democratic America.

After this election, we plan to change our affiliation to Independent. The Democratic party has left us behind.

At the end of the day, do you really want Trump to be our commander in chief ?
Not since Goldwater have we had such a juxtaposition of choice.
Hillary may be a corrupt tool but isn't corruption the grease that lubricates our political system ? I'm not up for a revolution just now. Let the millennials have their peace with that.
I'm voting democrat because the other option disgusts me, it truly does.